The Wait
Light In The Darkness by Revd. Dawn Savidge. Please credit for use Are we nearly there yet? Childish Child-like humanity longs humanity...
The Wait
The Sign of the Time
How the Light Comes
Silent night?
The rain falls like tears
The pain was largely gone
I thought I knew pain
A cold coming we had of it
Amid the gathering darkness
I had a choice that day
Icy despair grips the landscape
At first I was amused
I cannot say
When the darkness is deepest
There is an inevitability about dawn
They always say the mother-son bond is special
What could express this cold wind of betrayal
Advent is
A grey dawn emerges
He stands
Mary isn't good with babies by Amy
Taking the Christ out of Christmas by Amy
A Carol for Covid
‘Christmas’ by John Betjeman
‘God’s Timeless Christmas Gift’ by Jason Dore
A Poem for the Longest Night